Monday 25 October 2010

Microscopes and Mesofossils

When i got back from the lab today (already i sound like a crazy scientist!) i did my usual thing of cooking dinner and sitting down to watch Friends. Whilst watching it, it dawned on me that myself and Ross are remarkably similar. No i am not a man, but we both share a geekiness in our love of Palaeontology.

I've always really enjoyed the subject, and its deffinitely my favourite part of my Geology course. But working on my final year project has just enhanced my love for the subject! When i look down my microscope at the fossilised plant and pollen particles, i get excited that i can interpret the environment they once lived in! I just think it's fasinating, and i feel very sorry for all my friends and gorgeous boyfriend at the moment as i probably bore them to death telling them about, what is basically, a petry dish of very old bits of charcoal and mesofossil, most of them probably not knowing what a mesofossil is (fossilised plants and spores).

Thankfully for  them, today i finished a large part of my lab work!

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