I've been absent from here for quite a while. Uni work, Christmas, driving lessons, and Egypt (which was amazing), have all meant the time for posting has been lost. But it's 11.42am and instead of being in the dullest lecture ever, I find myself sitting at home in front of my laptop, twiddling my thumbs. So what better way to fill a gap in time then to do a long overdue post!?
Next week is reading week, and the realisation of how long i actually have left uni, which isn't long at all, is finally dawning on me. So on top of getting all my last pieces of work finished for the appropriate deadlines and learning how to drive, I'm also turning my thoughts towards the future, and getting myself a job as a journalist!
My CV all but done, all that is left to do is deciding who will be the lucky people to receive it! I recently purchased, what is probably considered the bible for wanna be journalists and writers. Daunting enough, the thought of sending my CV to numerous magazines and newspapers, and the thought of rejection, which I'm sure I will encounter some point, this book is huge! When I say bible, I really mean bible! So the daunting feeling I'm getting from actually applying for a job as a journalist is heightened when I look at this book!
Nonetheless, as I said, CV all but done, I will be sending it to Smokey to proof read over the weekend. And as he is proof reading that I will be making those calls and sending those emails to the people who will hopefully open the door for me into the journalists world...
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