Being that i am a Science Communication student and our lecturer used to work for the BBC, every year we get an invite to the awards and the free drinks after! This is the first year i have been since it's the first time I've had the chance as, luckily, I'm on top of my workload, and the fact that i graduate next year (ahhh!!) and Smokey has boosted my confidence, in that i actually felt i could go there and get something out of it other than just complimentary free booze! I even had cards made to hand out with my contact details on!
The evening was thoroughly enjoyable, and some of the films and documentaries that won awards were very good, and some were...not quite so good! The drinks reception after was also very enjoyable, i got the chance to talk to a number of the winners, who all seemed to be French! As for networking, fingers crossed that was a success too- i gave my card to a broadcaster/journalist who said she would keep me in mind if anything i could help with came up. And if she was as serious about that as she was pleasant, then I'm hopeful!
The keynote speakers in hot discussion about the topic "A New Age for Science and Broadcasting". For some reason the word "sexy" was mentioned a lot!
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