It is even more of an achievement since the night before the day I spent editing was lost in a blur of white wine and some very nice food cooked by yours truly! After we walked to the green, only to discover that there was no fireworks display this year, we decided to camp out in the pub and thought it would be a good idea to buy more wine en route back home! Apart from some people being very sick and sleeping in the bathroom, and some people getting upset about missing a certain gorgeous boyfriend, it was a very fun night!
Today was a hairdressers appointment from the past, when I finally donned that most fashionable of 20s hairstyles, finger curls! So my day was spent looking in every reflective surface I walked past and thinking about how amazing I looked with my new, or should I say old, hairstyle!
I finished the day having a meeting with my palaeontology lecturer to discuss my third year project. I won't bore you all with the details, I'll just say that it is going very well and I finally have a method for quantifying for data!
:-D Love the pictures!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx