Thursday 9 January 2014

Blurred Lines

I've been swing dancing for nearly three years now, and for me, I think it's massively blurred the dating (or potential dating) line for me.

When I first started dancing, if a guy asked me to dance, I assumed it was because, without wanting to sound like a thriteen year old schoolgirl, that they liked me.

I soon learnt that in most cases a guy asks you to dance because he thought you looked fun or were a good dancer (both of course very true!), not because he was having romantic notions.

This may not always be the case, maybe a guy has asked me to dance because he fancies me, but because that line has been so blurred I just can't tell.

This has crossed over to other parts of my life. If a guy talks to me at a bar, I do generally assume he is just being friendly, like the countless lindy guys I dance with.

Basically, any guys out there who want more than a dance are really going o have to sign post it because, quite frankly, I have no idea.

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