Tuesday, 19 October 2010

An apple for the teacher

As part of my final year project i am making a radio programme called "The British Isles- A Stroll through Geological Time". As with all the media projects i have done for my Science Communication course, i have to interview lecturers and such who know alot about the topic my project is based on. This latest project would be a six part series, the first being a celebration of the geology in Scotland, and with that thought in mind i knew straight away two people who would happily talk about Scottish geology for hours (and i mean literally hours!) So off i went back to my six form to talk to my A-level geology lectures, armed with my recording equipment and a whole lot of space on it for the hours they would probably talk for!

In return for their words of wisdom, it was agreed that i would give a talk about studying geology at uni and talk abit about geology as a subject in general.

I arrived at my old sixth from and was greeted with the same smells and some familar faces from my two years there that now seem like a very long time ago. I was looking forward to seeing my two old lecturers and had butterflies about my talk to the year 13s, so with excited butterflies i pinned the visitors badge to my scarf and headed for the classroom!

Luckily, despite the fact the class was made up of mainly boys (dreaded images of school boy humour filled had my head!), they were very friendly and i soon got into my stride, talking about everything from glaciers to volcanoes! On top of this they were all quite keen to say a few words about Scottish geology, even if they were abit daunted about the idea of being recorded, so instead of coming home with an interview with just my two lecturers i also have a whole lot of interviews from budding young geologists!

So even though i had to get up at 5 this morning to get there on time, the quality of interviews and willingness of the year 13s to talk to me made it all worth it...next stop the editing room!!!

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