I always get excited about Christmas quite early, ask any one of my friends and they will tell you that by October i am officially very excited about Christmas, wearing Christmas jumpers and even maybe listening to the odd Christmas tune! Seeing the early Autumn sunshine fill my room and feeling a chill in the air, i felt incredibley festive and it was decided that today would be the perfect day for a spot of Christmas shopping! So throwing on my tweeds, winter scarf and my favourite pair of sunglasses i headed into Windsor on foot, a chance to take in some of Surrey's country side and wildlife with a walk through Windsor Park.
As i walked through the park, Windsor Castle in my sights, the sunshine warming me through, i took time to admire the many deer that are dotted about the picturesque surroundings. They are such beautifully graceful creatures, elegantly trotting about the trees and across the paths, but the minute they open their mouths and produce a sound not unsimilar to a cow, and a dying one at that, for me, they suddenly lose that elegance.
I arrived in Windsor, ready to hit the shops, my bank card burning a hole in leather purse, with the thought of all the great Christmas presents i would hopefully get. I was particularly excited about Smokey Bacon's present, which was the main reason for my trip into Windsor. I walked into the shop and there it was the...but that would be telling!
After a very successful scout around the shops, i stopped for a quick cup of tea and then jumped on a bus home, the onset of rain had very much put an end to my desire to take the hour and a half walk back home again, despite the fact the walk would be a whole £4.10 cheaper (for a 20 minute bus ride!)
Once home again, i sat down with yet another cup of tea and looked through my bag of goodies, imagining peoples faces as they open their presents come Christmas day (69 days!!) I hid the goodies in the bottom of my wardrobe (where else!?) and rang my nan and grandad for a chat and Smokey Bacon's mum. Weather depending, hopefully she is popping over tomorrow which will give me an excuse to to partake in my favourite past time-baking a cake!!
My Saturday evening will be spent like most other Saturday evenings, a home cooked meal and a bottle of wine shared with Chris, Jennie and Tank followed by dessert and copius amounts of rubbish Saturday night tv (yes i do mean X Factor!) with the heating on full blast and a chat witht the Bacon before bed. To quote Pop Larkin "Perfick"