I am the first to admit that I'm the worst for remembering names.
I've met people at parties (both prs through work and people outside work) and I've forgotten names by the next time I bump into them.
I went to sixth form and was friends with twins, and for the entire time I was there, I could not remember who was who. That was pretty tricky when it came to handing out Christmas cards!
The worst thing though is when you met people at a dance, and then you start to see them around a lot.
There was one guy who I met when I first started dancing in London three years ago, whose name I promptly forgot and only found at what it was again a few months ago at LLX. And the only reason I found out was because of a cunning plan to get someone else to ask for a dance and find about said name and then relay the intelligence back to me...ok so not a revolutionary plan but still did the job!
You see the thing is, there really is a limit to the number of times you can ask someones name. Two or three times is deemed acceptable, but any more than that and it starts to verge on rude.
But I don't forget because I'm not paying attention when someone says ' hi I'm *insert whatever name you want here*', I'm just a bit crap!
So what's the solution? Swing Patrol adopt a name sticker policy, which is great for new arrivals but for regulars who stop the whole sticker wearing thing - how am I supposed to remember?!
I think I'll have to stick to the age old adage that ignorance is bliss.