Thursday, 6 February 2014


As one of life's worriers, I will worry about something, well pretty much everyday. Really, if I were getting paid for it i'd be on some serious cash.

Whilst writing an email to me editor last week, I typed something which I thought was funny then had a mad panic that it might night have come across as funny because I didn't put "haha" or a smiley face (is it ever ok to send your boss a smiley? I've done it loads, but i still wonder. I've even put kisses, and then of course freaked out that he might think I fancy him!).

So I then sent an email directly after saying how it was meant to be funny and I hope he thought it was funny and not rude depsite the fact it was haha and or smiley lacking. He probably just thought I was mental, luckily I'm known at work for being a worrier.

At first I thought, I really need to panic less. But then after chatting with the girls at work about a text conversation between one of their boyfriends, I realised that tone is a really bloody difficult thing to convey sometimes!

I mean who hasn't got a text from a guy and analysed the shit out of it for at least the next half an hour (ok hour...ok day!)? And as one of life's worriers this is something I think about. Before I send a text, email whatever, I will read it about a hundred times just to check that none of the contents will be taken in the wrong way. And even after sending I read it back to check for the millionth time.

Essentially texting and emailing is a potential minefield! 

And I also think I may panic too much.