Friday, 11 May 2012

Hats beautiful, rather large, hats!

Well things have been rather hectic as usual here.

The Lady's jubilee edition, not to be missed, will be out next Friday so it's been all hands on deck to make sure that we produce the ultimate Jubilee guide!

And even if I do say so myself, it is shaping up to be really quite brilliant.

In other news, I went to a rather fun event at the Sloane Square Peter Jones department store earlier this week. With the races upon us most ladies thoughts have turned to beautiful hats. With that in mind, this week Peter Jones opened their new Hat Academy.

To mark the opening of the academy, Vivien Sheriff, milliner to the royals, hosted an event in which we all got to enjoy several glasses of pink bubbly and try on lots of beautiful, rather large hats. Including one that the lovely Kate Middleton wore to her first royal engagement in Anglesey.

Being a lover of hats I had an absolute blast, and am now looking for an excuse to buy a beautiful Vivien Sheriff hat...

Ascot anyone?